
increase in sales


faster project delivery


ShortPoint helps
True Lane Projects
build clients’
Intranets 2x faster and skyrocket sales 100%+ YoY

We had a meeting with our bank recently and they could not believe our numbers since partnering with ShortPoint! We’re able to take on bigger intranet projects, while freeing up our developers to work on other hardcore coding projects, which translates to higher revenue.

Milton Johane

Chief Software Architect, True Lane Projects


True Lane Projects is a technology company that specializes in custom software development, web design and development, system testing, SharePoint branding, ICT support, and other innovative solutions.


Code-heavy process for intranet creation reduces competitiveness and limits growth

How can a tech consultancy make its offer really stand out in a competitive marketplace? That was the question True Lane Projects needed to answer.

As respected specialists in SharePoint, they were using the platform to create intranet portals for both SMEs and enterprise-level clients.

But SharePoint’s limitations were creating limitations for their business. Customizing pages, matching a client’s brand, and providing a compelling UX were incredibly code-heavy and time-consuming.

It required top-end developers to be on every project. And because their larger clients often had thousands of users, building a single intranet solution took between six months and a year.

With high project costs and long turnaround times, it was a huge challenge to be competitive in the intranet space. And as a relatively lean team, they were limited on the size and number of projects they could take on.

Even more problematic, when developers were tied up on intranet projects, they couldn’t work on other custom software services, which were often more profitable.

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Building and customizing sites in SharePoint was a very heavy lift. We needed a developer on every project and it felt like we were always doing things the hard way.

Milton Johane

Chief Software Architect, True Lane Projects


An intuitive tool for branding and designing intranets without development hours

When True Lane Projects discovered ShortPoint, the job of designing intranets went from painful to painless.

Instead of coding everything from scratch, ShortPoint’s intuitive design tools enabled them to customize, brand, and build client intranets faster.

They could mix and match 100s of design elements and templates in an infinite number of ways to create engaging pages without any of the coding or development hours.

The business was so wowed by ShortPoint’s speed and simplicity, they immediately rolled it out on all intranet builds.

Instead of requiring highly qualified developers to build out solutions, staff with nocode experience did the job instead. Without a complex development process slowing them down, they could focus solely on creating a dazzling end product with great design and UX.

Even more problematic, when developers were tied up on intranet projects, they couldn’t work on other custom software services, which were often more profitable.

Unleash your creativity.
Start a trial.

Because ShortPoint is more visual and requires no code, it speeds up the job of building intranets for our clients. It’s mind-blowing for me how ShortPoint simplifies what we’d been doing for years.

Milton Johane

Chief Software Architect, True Lane Projects


Projects completed in half the time and sales up 100%+

Since True Lane Projects started using ShortPoint to build clients’ intranets, project delivery times have halved, with no compromise on quality, security, or site stability.

Because ShortPoint simplifies the team’s workload and gives them so much time back, they’re taking on more projects without increasing headcount. As a result, they’ve increased sales and revenue by over 100% in the past year!

ShortPoint has led to a more streamlined process, refined our workflow, and enabled us to bring more money in.


Even better, they’re taking on larger projects, safe in the knowledge that they can deliver large-scale, complex builds within tight client deadlines. In one example, they worked with a large telecoms provider on a contract they doubt they would have won without ShortPoint.

With ShortPoint, True Lane Projects are more competitive than ever. They don’t need to place senior developers on intranet projects, so they can price more competitively and beat competitors to more business.

As massive advocates of ShortPoint, True Lane Projects recently joined its Partner Program. This gives them access to exclusive webinars, learning sessions, and other training. So they can bring even more efficiency to their workflow as they scale and grow.

Whenever I reach out to ShortPoint, they’re always available to troubleshoot issues together - and ensure my clients are happy

Milton Johane

Chief Software Architect, True Lane Projects

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